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Words On Page: T

to dash one's hope terminal emulation
to teach one's the husband of wife's paternal aunt
to bring shame to one's mother to slander one's mother's milk (by an act of cowardice)
to be lowered in one's esteem to cram down one's throat
to lose one's head to assume one's true colours
to wrinkle up one's forehead—to scowl to make one's adieu
to jump out of one's skin to reap the fruits of one's misdeeds
to show one's authority to run away from one's own guns
to shed off one's hesitation to go off one's head
to restrain one's sensual impulses to (treat as one's) own
to bet one's bottom dollar to succeed in one's move
to be out of one's head to be out of one's ken
the potter's kiln to drag out one's days
to be at death's door to fulfil one's resolve
to keep breath to cool one's porridge to be under one's thumb
to pour forth one's accumulated wrath to talk one's inward grudge out
the ceremony of the bride's going to her husband's home after a post_marriage interval to have one's vanity struck out
to be relieved of one's passion to wind up one's bag and baggage
to have him at one's mercy to transcend one's physical being
to quench the thirst of one's physical needs tole
the apple of one's eye there is nothing else for it
there is nothing for it but to to be under somebody's sway
to suffer for one's evil deeds to have (one's) hope raised
to harden one's heart to keep up one's nerves
to call a person's bluff to make one show one's cards

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